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My tour of the Sooke News Mirror office

Aspiring student writer sees how newspapers are built
Avery Whiteley

On Wednesday, May 27, 2015 I went for a tour of the Sooke News Mirror to learn about how a newspaper is made.

I learned all about dummy sheets, how the newspaper is printed, how the newspaper is published, what reporters and editors do in their jobs, and much more. I met Pirjo Raits, the editor, and she took me on a lovely tour of the press room.

One thing I learned about was dummy sheets. A dummy sheet is a special sheet where the publisher plans out which ads are on a certain page of the newspaper. This is where they lay it all out.

One of the things I enjoyed about the tour was that Pirjo and the rest of the staff were friendly and helpful, and they answered all of my questions.  Another thing I really liked about it was that I could ask as many questions as I liked. It was good.

If I had to work for a newspaper, I’d want to be an editor because self-editing is one of my strengths, and it sounds like lots of fun!

This was a fun and educational experience, and I recommend that all fellow Sooke citizens take a tour. It’s worth it.