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EDITORIAL: Fostering healthier, safer student commutes

Active School Route promotes active living

Sooke has introduced Active School Route signs to encourage healthier and safer commuting for students.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to improve pedestrian infrastructure and promote active living. Benefits include increased student physical activity, reduced emissions, and safer school zones.

The advantages of this initiative are numerous. By encouraging students to walk or bike to school, we promote physical fitness and adhere to the recommended 60 minutes of daily exercise for children. This practice is linked to improved physical and mental health, heightened alertness, and enhanced classroom performance.

Furthermore, with fewer cars transporting children to school, we can anticipate a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and an improvement in air quality, which will benefit our environment and health. The promise of safer school zones is another compelling reason to support this initiative, as it aims to reduce traffic congestion around educational institutions.

Mayor Maja Tait and School District board chair Amanda Dowhy support the initiative, highlighting its positive impact on the community.

The inaugural campaign at École Poirier Elementary, supported by the Parent Advisory Council and school staff, sets a promising precedent. The Active School Meeting Spot emerges as an appealing transportation alternative for families within walking or cycling distance.

The Active School Route signs in Sooke symbolize optimism in a world where environmental sustainability is crucial, and health is our top priority. These signs empower us to make a real impact on our lives and the planet. We should embrace this change and strive towards a healthier future for Sooke.

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