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Editorial: One day, three photographers

The Sooke News Mirror photographs A Day in the Life of a community

One thing is for certain, nothing much happens in Sooke after about 9 p.m. on a weekday.

If you think vandals are skulking about or nefarious actions are afoot, you are dead wrong. It’s quiet in the downtown core. Really quiet. Weekend nights might be a bit different, but not by much.

We know this because on Aug. 16 and 17, three photographers hit the streets to document a day in the life of Sooke. From 11 a.m. Thursday to 11 a.m. Friday, the cameras were out and photos where taken of normal events and people in Sooke. With only three photographers it was not possible to completely capture everything everywhere, but we managed to get a sampling of what was going on during those hours. What was interesting was that there are people working at 3 a.m. and there are early risers who start their day at 6 a.m.

Sharron Ho and Pirjo Raits from the paper took the difficult late night shifts, while local photographer Jack Most helped with some of the daytime goings on.

We hope to repeat the process again next year, and we will have a little more help and hope to cover more ground extending from East Sooke to Port Renfrew. For a first effort, we are pretty pleased with the cooperation we received from those we photographed.

We hope you will enjoy being a bit of a voyeur with our Day in the Life of Sooke.