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Editorial: Smart talk about meters

Local residents and council discuss BC Hydro smart meters

At council on Monday night a representative from BC Hydro was there to provide information on and explain the reason why the corporation has turned to smart meters.

He presented the information in lack lustre fashion and then sat back to listen to the comments from the public.

Smart meters are a political football no doubt about it. Some fear they are invasive, unsafe and the beginning of the downhill slide to skyrocketing energy costs.

Ted Olynyk from BC Hydro said the meters are only for collecting data, they are not connected to the Internet and they are not spying on consumers.

This opened up a flood gate of comments from a number of residents. Most felt they had no choice about the installation of the meters and that did not sit well with them. They wanted a personal guarantee of safety and security, which of course, BC Hydro could not give them. Reams of data, studies and reports seem to point to health risks for some.

The point is, people should have a choice as to whether they wish to switch to the smart meter or retain the meter they already have. People also resent the fact that this is foisted on them and no amount of protest seems to work with the Crown corporation. People are once again feeling disenfranchised, unheard and disregarded. It is the consumer who pays and it should be the consumer who has a choice. Hats off to council for bringing this forward and for sending BC Hydro the message that they want a moratorium and an independent study and review on the not-so-smart meters.