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Editorial: What Christmas means to me

The real meaning of Christmas and the holiday season demonstrated by kids

The little kids from John Muir elementary school seem to say it best. Their submissions state that what Christmas means to them is “being grateful, love and friends.” Other speak of sharing and getting together, family dinners and joy.

If they can say those things in innocence, then we have a lot to learn from them. The holidays, no matter what your religious persuasion, is about giving, not getting.

People in Sooke are incredibly generous, they give of their time and money and they do it because they care for others and the plight of others as evidenced by the thousands of dollars and goods raised for those less fortunate. Yes, people are generous at Christmas time but they are also exceedingly giving at other times of the year.

As we prepare for our own celebrations it is important to remember those who may not have a place to go for their holiday dinner or a family to share it with. They will be helped with the Christmas hampers but what they can also use is a little human kindness and thoughtfulness. There are lonesome people in your midst and a simple Happy Holiday, Happy Hanukkah, or Merry Christmas greeting helps. Maybe you don’t even have to say anything, a smile and a little courtesy goes a long was as well. Everyone needs a little bit of that. And not to be forgotten is that simple, simple phrase — “thank you.”

The best thing about December is the fact that the days will soon be getting longer and the nights shorter.  As we look forward to the new year and the potential it has, remember to look back at the last year and think about how you have made a difference.

Thanks to our carriers, writers, contributors and, most of all, our readers. Without our very involved readers we wouldn’t be your community newspaper. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings to all.