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Letters: Benefits of hemp oil

More comments on Ted Dever's letter, "Pot has no value."

Commenting on Ted Dever’s letter “Pot has no value,” I urge you to check out the following website about a very old cure for cancer – cannabis oil, which sadly has been shelved in place of chemotherapy treatments.

In case you can’t open it, the video shows where David Triplett, of California, researched treatments for returning cancer lesions on his nose after being prescribed a chemo ointment, and came up with information on cannabis oil, also known as hemp oil or hash oil.  After about a month of applying the oil to the sores, they completely disappeared.

The video shows pictures of patients who used chemo ointments – their faces looked like they had third degree burns. It goes on to say that 62 per cent of regular pot users are less likely to get cancer, and that researchers are finding cannabinoids to be anti-tumor in other cancers.

A clip of a TV news report between Lloyd Robertson and Avis Favaro says such a new treatment will not be backed by a drug company unless it shows promise of a profit. Seems the government has known since 1975 that cannabinoids are an effective cancer cure. What went wrong?  There are many related internet videos, such as “CBD and Cancer,” that are mind-boggling and bear taking the time to watch. Upsetting as well, to see that a Maritime Canadian was actually charged with possession and trafficking for giving hemp oil free of charge to cancer patients, with apparently totally successful results.

On another note, on a hike along Whiffen Spit last Wednesday I noted that broom bushes are rapidly taking root all along the bushy areas and I implore all walkers to take along a pair of garden gloves and maybe a garden weed-digger and remove these plants before the Spit is overrun with the invasive bush.

Lucille Barfield
