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Letters: Council should listen

Ramifications of amenity contribution bylaw cause worry

Thank you Bev for responding. First of all because I farm and also have been involved in many other businesses, too numerous to put here, I also understand the land use, even more so, as I greatly, respect the land and how we use it. I am concerned though, that council, went ahead and passed an amenity bylaw, without looking at the ramifications of the cost reduction and the amenity bylaw.

Your planner advised that you should look at the cost to the taxpayer, but council , did not heed his advice. At the land use meeting of which I spoke, there were two developers, Herb, who is a developer/builder, and the chair asked Randy to clarify the bylaw put forward, while the planner was still at the podium making his presentation, instead of asking the planner his opinion.

I agree we should all be allowed to voice our opinions and I would never stop free speech. I would hope that in future all council members and land use members would counsel with staff any concerns they have  and then listen to the public, and the public should include builders and developers, but not on the voting and motion side of the table.

This community belongs to us all and staff should have the expertise to guide the committee. I would hope that if there was a committee on farming you would include other members of the public as  they too are affected. Every bylaw affects everyone in someway, which I know sitting on the Board of Variance since incorporation and there are financial implications, which need to be explored too.

Ellen Lewers
