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LETTERS: No European trip a joyful reality

Re: CRD drops European sewage tour (News, Sept. 20)

Re: CRD drops European sewage tour (News, Sept. 20)

I read with interest about the CRD dropping it’s European Sewage tour, and Coun. Rick Kasper’s reaction. “That’s the sad reality.”

On the contrary, it’s a joyful reality.

Why? Firstly, the taxpaying constituents said very loudly “no” to the ridiculous idea that a fully financed trip to Europe was necessary, especially on our taxes.

Secondly, it’s really joyful that the CRD directors and Sooke Mayor Maja Tait got the message that wasteful expenditure is not on our agenda.

And, finally, the boneheads who thought that it would fly got some reality – sad or not. Really not.

So, councillor Kasper and our mayor should get some remedial training on democracy 101, possibly at a local school. I think the taxpayers could finance that without too much difficulty.

Fred Whittaker
