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Letters: Not painting a pretty picture

Careless storage results in paint splatter on vehicle

I would like to thank you for the lovely paint job you left on my vehicle because of your carelessness of your load.

I was driving up Phillips Road on June 4, to go  to work in Sun River. When I got out of my vehicle to get my supplies, there was nothing there, but when I got home from work, and unloaded my supplies, I noticed a nice trail of paint splattered all down the passenger side of my vehicle from bumper to bumper. I am not a very happy camper about this and neither are the other vehicle owners that this has happened to.  I went to West Coast Collission, and they said, ‘Not you too.’ The first vehicle got the worst of it and I got the tail end of it.

So are you going to step up to the plate and take responsibility for this and pay for the damages?

I would like to know where to send the bill for cleaning and possibily for a new paint job.

It is your responsibility to make sure your load of paint is safe and secure. I always do when I take my trailer with equipment in it to go and do lawns. I sure wouldn’t want my gate to fall open and my lawnmower or weed-eater to fall out into traffic and hit somebody’s car and cause an accident. I am a very responsible person to make sure my load is safe and secure before leaving my driveway.

Hopefully you will take the extra few minutes before you leave your home to make sure your load is safe and secure, all lids are tight on paint cans, so this does not happen again

C.J. Malonde
