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Letters: Respect animals

Deer killed on road by speeder upsets area resident

To the person who hit a deer on Wednesday, October 30 around 7 a.m between Kemp Lake and Robinson on Otter Point Road.

Did you know that she wasn’t dead? Did you even think to stop? Call anyone? Do you know what it’s like to look a dying animal in the eye and not be able to do anything? What do you think it’s like for the maintenance crew to come and have to watch her suffer while they wait for the RCMP to come and put her out of her misery? How about the officer who has to come and do the deed?

I am sick of people speeding through this stretch of road. And yes, a lot of you are not going 50kmh which is the posted limit.

If you slow down and make yourself aware of side of the road obstacles, you can usually avoid these tragic scenes. Especially in these dark days of winter.

I know that sometimes it’s inevitable but most times it’s not.

And to the people in the area who encourage deer by feeding them, stop this nonsense! They become used to handouts, bring their young, and become a nuisance on the road.

I’m sure whoever hit the deer was in a hurry or some other lame excuse. Leave your house 10 minutes earlier. Have some respect for the wildlife whose environment you’ve moved into.

Make yourself aware of areas where you know where deer cross the road.

Show a little compassion.

Kerry O’Gorman
