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Letters: Share the road, nicely

Letter writer takes aim at noisy motorcycles along Sooke roads

I have had it with the motorcyclists racing down Otter Point and Westcoast Roads.  They are noisy, impudent, and have no regard for the rules of the road or any noise bylaw.

I’ve lived in the 4500 block of Otter Point for 15 years, and in the past five years or so, they have gotten worse. If you’re going to go for a ride in the country, for God’s sake enjoy the ride. Don’t race each other, wind out your throttle, and treat other traffic like they’re in the way.

The saying “share the road with motorcycles” (I’ve seen it on the road sign above highway 1 at the Colwood turnoff - makes me laugh every time) works two ways.  If you expect to be treated with respect on the road, treat others the same way.

Vivien Greig
