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Letters: Thanks for Chemtrails letter

Letters to the editor from within the Sooke community.

Kudos to the Sooke Mirror for publishing Roberta Daye’s letter “ET cover up and the truth.” and that you actually included the word CHEMTRAILS in the print. Most mainstream media won’t mention it at all because they’re owned by the perpetrators of this global atrocity. Chemtrails are better known as geoengineering, as in weather modification and I’ve been monitoring this insane assault upon us since 2001.

How many of us have watched the skies in recent years and witnessed the ever increasing streaks across the sky left by heavy jets and noticed that those streaks linger in the sky and spread out to form a total haze overhead?

This global weather modification has been ramped up big time in the past few years and for folks that are worried about it and want to know the truth of the matter, the best source of info out there is and be prepared for a real awakening.

I feel that it’s my duty to help folks understand what’s actually going on, even though it’s very harsh on the senses.

Time to wake up all, as our time is vanishing fast.

Through observation and real study comes truth.

JJ Clarke