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Providing clarity


What is the District of Sooke? The District of Sooke is the administration’s employees, the elected representatives of the people and the community’s residents. All together at the same time… We are the District of Sooke. Tell us what you want. Tell us what you need.

Be confident in our wonderful process of law and order. Enjoy living in a democratic nation, in a democratic municipality. We do great things and the proposed sewer franchise agreement is such that it is one of the great things. The process we used to get where we are was wholesome and inclusive. Every question we get, we answer… and our “real, hard, provable” numbers are being ignored to the point it is unwholesome. When I say being ignored, I mean wrong information is being used in our community to stir things up. This is distressing the fabric of our municipal administrative process.

What can we do? The District of Sooke Director of Finance, Sue-Lin Tarnowski, said the following so well that I want to share it with the community. We were talking about direction and Sue-Lin said people need to hear, “Take the challenge ... offer yourself up... be a part of the solution. Imagine the collective good that can be achieved in the community with mutual respect and trust.”

To use a loud wrong number to grab people’s attention, is a guerrilla tactic.  87 per cent is a number – I see the real number as 40 per cent or with everything else extra that was asked for... 89 per cent. Extras are the new things wanted that were not originally a part of the agreement.  There — that’s clarity. Please remember the real number is 40 per cent and any more was a choice of council after due diligence. Please read the District of Sooke What’s New bulletins re: Proposed Wastewater Franchise Agreement.

walk as if flying

walking on clouds

Myke Colbert

