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Responding to Doeding letter

Clearing up some facts in letter written to the editor

I would like to respond to the letter in the Sooke News Mirror of Oct. 26; first some corrections.

I have never been on the OPSRRA Board though I value their work for the community. I am as much of an advisor to Alanda Carver as I am to Mike Hicks, John Horgan, Regional Parks and the  Canada Naval History Project or any one else who can use my knowledge.

I am happy that Alanda Carver is running, that there is an actual contest for this important position. Democracy does not work without candidates, campaigners and voters turning out. Rosemary deserves the credit for being a campaigner for Alanda. I do help with signs and stuff.

On the issue of the Otter Point OCP review, I agree that Mr. Hicks appointed a balanced crew given the candidates that stepped up to the challenge. In the event, we conducted a wide ranging and very positive dialogue on critical issues that affect us all. No, we did not discuss a development like Sunriver and I did not champion a specific development as Mr. Doeding stated. I did put forward a motion to set the maximum density of housing at one house per hectare (2.5 acres)in areas that currently allow four on 10 strata development. We discussed this as a means to attract a property developer away from a strata development to a fee simple subdivision which then allows public amenities and infrastructure while retaining the currently allowed density. We discussed lot averaging so that space could be made for publically accessible green space, such as horse trails, for example. The idea was voted down by the “land owners” in the commission for reasons I do not understand.

Sid Jorna

Otter Point