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World still turns in Shirley


Re:Bad LUC, good LUC, Sept. 28

So John Walls overcame his typical reticence and penned a letter worthy of any fear monger or bully.  His attempt to create public outrage at the “travesty of epic proportions” falls short.

Talk of  “graphic images” (like pictures?) of the “devastating” creek damage is silly. Some people got work fixing things up and the world still turns.

There are many properties close to Goudie Creek. Fortunately, Shirley has a state-of-the-art water system.  And it is not run by monkeys. Should the perfect storm saturate a weeping bed or whatever, the water users will receive a boil water order like those received in the past.  Things will flush and be repaired.  And the world will still turn.

Dan Adams
