BEEF TO OUR MEDICAL SYSTEM. No doctors so people tie up walk-in clinics or emergency. Then the people who really need emergency have to wait 14 hours. So sad. Beef to the government for not helping doctors to come to the Island.
MANY THANKS to the woman who saw my car trunk door open when driving by my house after several times and stopped to let me know in case it wasn’t intentional. It wasn’t.
BEEF TO THE DRIVER who hit my cat and killed it. Obviously you were going way too fast and then you did not even bother to stop, to tell us what happened. Our neighbours found her but by then it was too late. Our hearts are broken.
BOUQUET to the staff and patrons of Walmart for turning in my debit card last month. You saved me a very complicated morning. Many thanks.
BEEF TO ONLINE SCAMMERS, don’t you have anything better to do with your time? We see you and you have been reported. No means no.
BOUQUET! I attended the Robbie Burns luncheon at the Legion Hall. As an old guy who has attended many Burns dinners, this one in Sooke was the most enjoyable I have ever been to.
BEEF TO THE MAN who thought it was okay to lean in to a person wearing a mask in the grocery store and comment in a loud whisper, “Oh, is there another pandemic happening?” It is none of your business what other people choose to wear, and indeed COVID-19 has not left us. We should be doing all we can to limit the transmission.
A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS for the folks at the Sooke Mirror. Zero Waste Sooke is really happy with the response to our ads about the Yarn Swap. Usually, we have 40 to 60 people attend a swap, but this time we had about a hundred. Several said they saw our ad, and one person came from Sidney all the way to Sooke. We’re delighted with the turnout at the Yarn Swap.
BEEF TO THE RICH and politicians who use private and chartered jets that produce more CO2 per flight than the average family car does in a year. Bouquet to those who fly commercial airlines instead. Our government should fund more tree planting to absorb the carbon emissions.
BOUQUET to the runner in the pink hat. Your dedication is admirable, wherever I turn you’re running by and I love it.
BEEF to the store with faulty shopping carts. Myself and four other customers were frustrated trying to put the coin into their carts to no avail. One lady angrily left, and three of us waited for a staff person to unlock some carts for us. I rarely shop there, as their carts are a problem.
I WOULD LIKE TO SAY how wonderful the staff at Victorial General Hospital day surgery ward were when I went in recently for a procedure. Warm blankets, constant reassurance and a hand to hold when the anesthetic was being administered.
BEEF to the car dealership that rips off pensioners. Be careful and be aware. They are scammers. I paid $450 for two car keys. I will never deal with them ever again.
THANK YOU to the gentleman in the black truck who kindly paid for my lunch at McDonald’s. I am pregnant and had been fasting all day for some lab tests. Lunch was much needed and you made a tough day so much better.
BEEF TO EVERYONE walking in the early morning and evening, where is your reflective clothing? You blend in with your surroundings.
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