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Beefs & Bouquets

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Have a compliment to pay for a kind person you encountered? Got a gripe about something? Share your Beefs and Bouquets with us by emailing (Black Press Media file photo)

Have a compliment to pay for a kind person you encountered? Got a gripe about something? Share your Beefs and Bouquets with us by emailing


BEEF TO THE PEOPLE who are supposed to be working for the people of Sooke. On Sept. 19 when Sooke Road was closed at Church Road, why wasn’t Charters Road opened temporarily? A quick look showed it was drivable. There is a lot of people working for Sooke taxpayers that make over $100,000 a year. You would think with that many people earning that much that somebody could make an intelligent decision.

BOUQUET TO MY BROTHER WESLEY. He has been there to help me whenever I have reached out since my husband died last fall. I am so appreciative of his kindness, it has meant a great deal.

BEEF TO THE SCOOTERS and electric bikes speeding past traffic. They are on the sidewalk, no licence or insurance.

BOUQUET TO THE MAN who was berated by his wife for taking the wrong way to get something in the big box store. Beef to the wife. If he treated you that way in public he would be labelled as abusive.

BEEF TO THE HEALTH-CARE SYSTEM. I have had two heart attacks and have been waiting now four years to have even a primary doctor. When I get sick, I can’t be around the countless people in the ER or at the walk-in clinic, only to be told to go home and try tomorrow. Someone as ill as I am has to wait over four years to find a doctor to see, even if I need to check if my stents are still OK or if I need extra care from a cardiologist.

BOUQUET TO DR. BRYANT and his team for their exemplary dental and emotional care. They are extremely compassionate and know how to support traumatized persons that can be triggered by a dental visit, all while providing the best care possible.

BEEF TO THE INVESTORS, speculators and real estate agents who purchase living accommodations with the sole purpose to flip them at a higher price just to make a profit. Any person who does this should be required to live in that residence for five years.

THANK YOU to the District of Sooke for the upgrades to our roads and sidewalks, including the beautiful plantings. It looks great and functions well. Great job to all involved.

BOUQUET to those who do not let economic and social pressures, let alone petty politics, turn them against their neighbours and fellow human beings. We’re all feeling the crunch, but we should remember that since colonization, Sooke, Vancouver Island and B.C. have always been multicultural society. We’re all in this together, and always have been.

IT DOESN’T TAKE LONG for some people to trash brand-new bus shelters. Tape all over the glass and graffiti that doesn’t make sense or is disgusting. There’s one person to blame – the culprit.

BOUQUET to all of the beefers who call out government waste and stupidity. Call out RCMP traffic unit for being almost nonexistent. Call out the ridiculous safe supply drug policies and the revolving door bail policies that have obviously failed. Call out the politicians who have been in office for many years but want to be kept in power to fix things that they created.

BEEF TO THE NEIGHBOURS for showing their true colours, when you swore at this PTSD senior. I just asked you kindly to lower your industrial noises on Sunday evening. You are rude bullies.

MANY THANKS to the kind lady who found me collapsed on the trail and called the ambulance. Also, I thank the two kind dog walkers who stayed by my side while I waited for the paramedics.

About the Author: Sooke News Mirror Staff

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