Have a compliment to pay for a kind person you encountered? Got a gripe about something? Share your Beefs and Bouquets with us by emailing editor@sookenewsmirror.com.
RAINBOW CROSSWALKS in Sooke? No, thank you! It’s a good thing my grandkids are going to school in Calgary and Perth, where traditional values are still taught. And yes – thank you, Barry Marine!
BOUQUETS to Colwood Mayor Doug Kobayashi for recruiting doctors and putting them on the city payroll. Bouquets to our Sooke mayor and council if they can do the same.
BEEF to family members who are just plain mean. Choosing kindness is free. Why do you constantly try to make your loved ones miserable? Mom would roll over in her grave if she saw this behaviour.
BOUQUET to the retailers who collect recyclable returns for the Sooke Gathering Place fund, especially Subway, The Dollar Store, Sooke 2 for 1 Pizza, and all the Sooke residents who donate. Thanks!
BEWARE of car dealers charging $999 for documentation fees when others only charge $499-$599. It’s time to shop around.
A BIG BRIGHT BOUQUET to the man who just came from the warm gym and helped me jump my car in the dark, cold of the night! You were like a magic Christmas elf in my moment of need. The Netherlands loss is Sooke’s gain You are a wonderful bonus to our little community.
BEEF TO THOSE who engage in conversations during the pastor’s sermon. I, like many others, am trying to attentively listen to the message, and the ongoing conversations make it difficult to concentrate. This behavior is not only disrespectful to the pastor and the sermon, but also highly disruptive to the congregation. If you wish to socialize, step out into the church lobby.
ROSES to all the people whom I have misunderstood, whether they are friends, classmates, acquaintances, colleagues, family members, or even strangers encountered on the street. I will strive to be more mindful and empathetic, putting myself in their shoes to understand their perspective, just as I hope they have done for me. I believe that empathy and compassion are the most valuable qualities.
SENDING LOTS of candy canes and red roses to some of our neighbors on our cul-de-sac. Thank you for the Christmas gifts you gave to us and our fellow neighbors on the street.