Three schools in Sooke joined together with colourful passion and unbridled enthusiasm to celebrate diversity and inclusion with a Pride parade on Friday.
Students from Ecole Poirier Elementary School, led by the Harmony Project’s senior drum line, made the short march down to Journey Middle School, where they were joined by students from that school and Sooke Elementary.
The overwhelming majority of students wore rainbow colours, shirts, and decals, waved pompoms and carried Pride flags and banners with beaming smiles and ear-to-ear grins.
RELATED: Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association calls for more diversity in region’s school districts
“Believe it or not, we have many children who identify as LGBTQIA+ and two students who are non-binary in my class,” said Kaitlyn De Shane, who teaches French Immersion at Ecole Poirier. “It’s so important that they know this is a safe place and that they are accepted and that they are loved.”
Sooke RCMP Const. Sam Haldane, the school liaison at Poirier, stressed the importance of inclusion and support for the youth of today.
“It’s great to see the community working together,” said Haldane, who has children at Poirier and Journey.
Sooke Mayor Maja Tait and Coun. Al Beddows joined the celebration and watched performances with the exuberant throng of students.
Beddows said it was wonderful to see the event’s message is about tolerance and kindness.
“That is something we can use more of,” he noted. “Getting aligned with the kids is an important way to accomplish that.”