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Langford war bride reflects on a love that spanned the centuries

Langford war bride reflects on a love that spanned the centuries

Hilda Duddridge's romance began in the midst of war and continued through incredible odds, tragedy and triumph
'It's hell': Sooke veteran hopes to honour service without glorifying war

'It's hell': Sooke veteran hopes to honour service without glorifying war

At 98, Donald shares his unique experiences as a survivor of two wars
Greater Victoria remembers: Remembrance Day 2024 ceremonies held across region

Greater Victoria remembers: Remembrance Day 2024 ceremonies held across region

Remembering our heroes: Ceremonies and concerts that pay honour to those who have served in the military in our country
Victoria businesses shine at Better Business Bureau Torch Awards

Victoria businesses shine at Better Business Bureau Torch Awards

Better Business Bureau (BBB) Vancouver Island announced the 2024 Torch Award winners with style
Victoria veteran: not all casualties bear visible wounds

Victoria veteran: not all casualties bear visible wounds

Thirty-year veteran Don Bernardin reflects on service and what happens after military life
Teddy bear surprise: B.C. couple find 115 stuffed animals hidden in wall

Teddy bear surprise: B.C. couple find 115 stuffed animals hidden in wall

Renovations reveal wall stuffed with stuffies instead of insulation
Segment of popular Oak Bay park closed to foot traffic

Segment of popular Oak Bay park closed to foot traffic

Winter closures help protect biodiversity of endangered Garry oak meadow in Uplands Park
One in a chameleon: Sooke lizard reunited after surviving months on the lam

One in a chameleon: Sooke lizard reunited after surviving months on the lam

The domesticated reptile survived for over 2 months in the wild, before its rescue in late-October
Veterans housing in Victoria remains a problem

Veterans housing in Victoria remains a problem

Local organizations are working to 'pick up the pieces and help'
Charitable status gives Central Saanich veteran more dog aid options

Charitable status gives Central Saanich veteran more dog aid options

Central Saanich business VI K9 Consulting and Training is transitioning to a charitable organization