It's time to pay the piper and take care of business.
The District of Sooke is encouraging local businesses to take advantage of the convenience of online business licence renewals.
With the new year approaching, it’s the perfect time to ensure your business remains compliant, and business licensing promotes safe and legitimate business premises and operations, the district stated in a media release.
Licensing also helps ensure that Sooke's land use regulations under the District of Sooke zoning bylaw are complied with. The process ensures that building, fire and health requirements are met, as well as provincial regulations such as Liquor Control and Licensing, where applicable, the district noted.
Licence fees are due annually and must be paid by Jan. 31 every year. Otherwise, a late fee equal to 50 per cent of the outstanding balance will automatically be applied starting Mar. 1.
Notices for business licence renewals are sent electronically in November. Those who did not receive this year’s renewal by email are asked to call the district office at 250-642-1634 to ensure they have the correct email address on file.
To renew a business licence online, visit the online payment portal, enter the account number and access code at the top of your business licence reminder notice, enter search, select your business, and then process payment using a credit card. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Payments can also be made in person at Sooke Municipal Hall at 2205 Otter Point Rd. Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding statutory holidays. Winter holiday closures are in effect from Dec. 25, 2024, to Jan. 1, 2025.
For questions about business license renewal or assistance with the online payment portal, contact the district at 250-642-1634 or email
Please notify the district If your business has ceased operations.