It’s 'Burger It Forward' month across Canada, a time to get off your buns, enjoy a burger and help raise funds for charity.
BC Cattlemen’s Association and Canada Beef are returning this February for the third edition of the fundraiser where participating restaurants serve their signature beef burgers to support local foodbanks. Canada Beef is donating a dollar to Food Banks Canada for every burger sold, which is equivalent to two meals based on the foodbank's meal metric.
“We thought that it's nice to do something that's really food related," says Joyce Parslow, Canada Beef’s executive director of consumer marketing. “Food insecurity is definitely a problem in every community across the country.”
According to her, February was specifically chosen for the event because it's typically a slow month.
"We were initially looking at doing it in the fall, but we find that post-Christmas time is when Canadians are all struggling; restaurants are certainly struggling with financial burden and foodbanks are in dire need of help too.”
Since it started, the number of participating restaurants has increased.
"We had just under 200 restaurants last year in our recruitment and this year we've got close to 250, so we're pretty excited about that.”
In Greater Victoria, there are 10 participating restaurants ready to grill up delicious beef burgers in support of the foodbanks.
From Feb. 1 - 28, Floyd's Diner is offering their 'Rootbeer BBQ Smash Burger' in Brentwood Bay, Goldstream, Gorge Road and James Bay; Big Wheel is serving their 'Cheeseburger' in Langford, Vic West, Cook St. and Saanich; Ferris' Grill and Garden Patio will be serving their 'Classic Ferris Cheese Burger,' and Kahuna in downtown Victoria will serve 'The Maui'.
All you need to do is go to one of these participating burger places and ask for their Burger It Forward promo to do your bit for charity.
Canada Beef is donating up to $10,000.
Provincial beef farmer and rancher organizations are also donating to regional food banks.
A map of all participating restaurants is available at