Sooke council has decided to let the healing begin.
The District of Sooke gave third reading to amend the land use designation from park to town centre to clear the way for a health and wellness centre following a public hearing that filled council chambers on Monday.
Council had previously given second and third reading to a bylaw to amend the zoning from public recreation to general commercial on Sept. 9 for the 1,651 square-metre property at 2008 Murray Rd.
Prior to final adoption of the amendment bylaws, the owner is required to register a covenant that includes a contribution of $3,000 per unit, road dedication, and tree protection measures. An arbourist's report had recommended preserving Sitka spruce and maple trees
The bylaws will be considered by council for adoption once they receive approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the covenant conditions are satisfied.
The health and wellness centre would include a diverse range of services such as counselling, acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractic, midwifery, occupational therapy, nurse practitioners, dieticians, and more, said Tara Munro, the proponent and owner of Sea to Tree Health & Wellness, in an interview with Black Press Media in February of this year.
The rezoning sparked controversy, most notably with The Friends of Sooke Parks, who organized a demonstration recently against the rezoning and the need to preserve parkland because it had been used as a park and playground for years before falling into disrepair.
Sooke Mayor Maja Tait said a lot of time was allowed during the public hearing to give everyone the opportunity to speak, and council followed the recommendations as outlined in a staff report.
"It was respectful, despite the difference in view points," she noted.
The motions passed by a margin of four to one, with Coun. Kevin Pearson voting against. Coun. Al Beddows recused himself to avoid any conflict of interest arising from his involvement with the Sooke Lions Club, and Coun. Dana Lajeunesse recused himself because he's a candidate in the provincial election.