Sooke Fire Rescue is in line for a new set of wheels further down the road.
Sooke council has authorized the issue of a tender for the purchase of a new rescue pumper apparatus truck for up to $946,899.
According to a Feb. 22, 2023 staff report on replacing Engine 2, the pandemic had caused complications regarding the global supply chain, which made acquiring fire apparatus challenging because of continued delays in the procurement process.
Consequently, acquiring replacement apparatus for Engine 2 would not be possible until early 2026, the report noted.
“Getting out in front of this crisis will help with potential delays and align with timelines for apparatus replacement and delivery,” the report stated. “Maintaining or renewing existing assets is in our best interest as an organization and will allow us to align with the newly endorsed asset management plan.”
Engine 2, a 2006 E-One and will have reached its service life (age limit) for credit with Fire Underwriters in 2026, the report states.
In December 2023, a report to council recommended endorsement of an asset management plan and policy, which would enable the district to be fiscally responsible to taxpayers, and will assist with ensuring that the fire department fleet are replaced in a timely manner and in conjunction with Fire Underwriters best practices.
“By investing in our new rescue pumper apparatus, we’re not just bolstering public safety, but also helping to lower residents’ insurance costs,”said Sooke Fire Rescue Chief Ted Ruiter. “Our efforts in maintaining equipment and prioritizing fire prevention and training directly influence our Fire Underwriters credit score, which in turn can impact these savings. While the exact amount saved can vary from property to property, supporting our fire service isn’t just a sound financial decision; it’s an investment in protecting lives and property for our community.”
The Engine 2 purchase is included in the 2024-2028 Five-Year Financial Plan.
ALSO READ: Sooke Fire Rescue ready for growth