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Kitchen scrap solution left to homeowners

January 1, 2015 marks end of kitchen scraps in garbage

tarting January 1, 2015 kitchen scraps will be restricted from your garbage.

In the District of Sooke, the individual property owner is responsible for arranging for garbage and kitchen scrap disposal. This means that residents will have to find optional methods of reducing, reusing or recycling their kitchen scraps.

In Sooke, garbage disposal and composting companies provide service contracts to residents and commercial operations and drop off facilities exist for all recycling and garbage services.  Check your local yellow pages for service providers and see the CRD’s website for more information.

Also visit our waste management page:


Organic materials, such as kitchen scraps, make up approximately 30 per cent of the waste at the heartland landfill. Current recycling (such as the blue box program) and composting programs are diverting 46 per cent of the waste stream from the landfill. The goal of the CRD is to achieve a diversion rate of 70 per cent by 2015, and that will be achieved when kitchen scraps are removed fro the garbage.

The CRD website provides the following information:

Reduce, reuse and recycle.

The CRD advises residents to purchase locally and to make purchases with minimal packaging or growing your own.

Kitchen scraps collection goes beyond backyard composting as it includes meat, bones, fish, cooked leftover food, dairy products, grain products such as bread and pizza and soiled paper products such as napkins and paper towels, which should not be composted in the backyard composter.

On site food digesters are an alternative.

The acceptable materials include:


Accepted Materials

Fruit and vegetable scraps

Food leftovers, plate scrapings

Meat, fish, giblets and bones

Dairy products, butter, mayonnaise


Bread, cereal, grains

Pasta, pizza

Baked goods, candies

Soiled paper towels and tissues

Soiled paper food packaging

Used paper cups and plates

Flour and sugar bags

Coffee filters and grounds

Tea bags

Solidified fats and grease

Baking ingredients, herbs, spices

Houseplants, cut and dried flowers

Nuts, pits, seeds & shells


Not Accepted

Plastic bags

Yard and garden  waste

Milk, cream and ice cream cartons

Plastic wrap, Styrofoam

Plastic containers and cutlery

Foil wrap, pouches and pie plates

Metal cans or glass jars Cereal and cracker box liners, waxed paper

Chip and cookie bags

Pet food bags and other lined bags

Butter wrappers

Make-up remover pads, cotton swaps and balls

Dental floss, rubber bands

Bandages and gauze

Soiled diapers, baby wipes

Sanitary hygiene products, condom

Dryer sheets and lint

Cigarettes and butts

Vacuum contents and bags

Pet feces or litter


Helpful Tips

Use only certified compostable bags.

Use old newspaper to wrap wet food waste.

Use paper towels to wipe fat and grease off cookware. Do not pour fat and grease down the drain.

Store meat and fish waste in a paper bag in your freezer until collection day – especially in the summer

Empty your kitchen container frequently.

Periodically rinse with a mild detergent.

Close green tote lid tightly after use.

Store tote in a shady ventilated area.

Continue to use your backyard compost bin.

Curbside collection

The CRD does not collect on Christmas Day  (December 25).

If your regular collection day falls on this day your collection day is moved to Saturday, December 27.

We collect, as normal, on Boxing Day (December 26).

We do not collect on New Year’s Day (January 1). If your regular collection day falls on this day your collection day is moved to Saturday, January 3.

Please have your blue box and blue bag at the curb by 7:30 a.m.

Reminder: Winter Weather Conditions May Cause Delays or Cancellations

In the event of extreme winter weather causing icy roads or unsafe driving conditions, standard blue box collection services may be delayed or cancelled. Residents affected are advised to hold on to their recyclables until their next collection day.