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Remember to recycle at school

Edward Milne community school sets up recycling bins
Student reporter Sydnee Moore

Staff and students of Edward Milne Community School remember to always recycle as much as possible.

The students in the Life Skills Program lend a helping hand every week to pick up the recycling in classrooms which other students leave for them. They take time out of their day to help clean up our high school, and they recycle all the bottles and juice boxes at the local recycling depot, down the road.

The money earned goes to the Life Skills Program, and helps pay for students’ two-day camping trip to Camp Barnard, where they have fun and are rewarded for all their help throughout the year.

Jolene, one of the education assistants that help the students commented, “They are not students with disabilities but students with possibilities!”

Thank you to everyone in the Life Skills Program for helping in the collection and recycling of bottles and juice boxes at our school, keep up the good work!