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Strange jellyfish showing up in East Sooke

Becher Bay resident spotted jellyfish she had never seen before
Jellyfish at Becher Bay

Louise Paterson sent along these photos of jellyfish at Becher Bay. She said she had not seen these types of  jellyfish previously and thinks they have something to so with climate change.

Jellyfish is the common name for many species referred to as cnidarians.

In the water they are graceful creatures but once landed on shore they look like blobs of a gelatinous mass.

They are often abundant in coastal waters in late summer.

The tentacles can give a nasty sting so it is best to leave this animal alone.

Meat tenderizer is supposedly a good antidote of stings.

A group of jellyfish is sometimes called a bloom or a swarm.Another collective name for a group of jellyfish is a smack, although this term is not commonly used by scientists who study jellyfish.

Jellyfish are “bloomy” by nature of their life cycles, being produced by their benthic polyps usually in the spring when sunshine and plankton increase, so they appear rather suddenly and often in large numbers, even when an ecosystem is in balance.