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NDP walks fine line on B.C. seats

NDP walks fine line on B.C. seats

Federal NDP leadership candidate Brian Topp walked into controversy over the allocation of seven new MP seats for B.C. Thursday.
Hazmat team suits up

Hazmat team suits up

Minor chemical spill in van closes Sooke Road

District of Sooke council

Getting to know the people running for Sooke council
Stick with B.C. Liberals, Manning says

Stick with B.C. Liberals, Manning says

Reform Party founder Preston Manning says his former colleague John Cummins is going the wrong way.
First seminar for Charters River centre

First seminar for Charters River centre

Salmon seminar proving to be a popular topic for recreational fishers

Candidates for 2011 elections in Juan de Fuca

A list of those running for office in Otter Point, Shirley and Jordan River
Sooke candidates face their first meeting

Sooke candidates face their first meeting

All-candidates meeting introduces electors to council hopefuls
Heat on teachers in report card dispute

Heat on teachers in report card dispute

The bargaining agent for B.C. school districts is expected to seek an order forcing teachers to provide report cards.
The Robert Muir Barn

The Robert Muir Barn

Another historical story from Sooke Region Museum's historian Elida Peers
$30M uranium buyout sparks accusations

$30M uranium buyout sparks accusations

The B.C. government's settlement to cancel a uranium mining claim cost millions more because of political interference, NDP MLAs say.