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Editorial: Marijuana use must be decriminalized

With government regulated commercial grow ops, time is right to change laws

It’s interesting times we live in. With the federal government’s regulations on medical marijuana grow operations changing, a lot of municipalities are making it easier for commercial grow operations to exist.

Where once even the idea of speaking to the issue of marijuana was considered radical, now it is a common topic around council tables. It is no longer the demon drug and no one is suffering from reefer madness. In fact, it’s become acceptable both socially and politically. There will, of course, be those who vehemently oppose it and that’s their right.

No city or town wants to be seen as backward and most recognize the economic benefit of growing a little bud. Grow operations have been in existence for decades and while the big boys have their commercial operation, the little guys will still be planting a few seeds in the ground - and they shouldn’t be busted for it. Governments have already admitted that there is a medical benefit to marijuana and they are cashing in on it. They are controlling the grow operations and the distribution - in other words - they are in control of the weed.

Most people are aware that marijuana grow operations were a multi-million, if not a billion dollar industry in B.C. With many states in the U.S. decriminalizing pot, it makes sense that Canada should follow suit. B.C. bud is no longer as profitable as it once was. If we are going to allow it to be grown, then we need to allow it to be smoked, toked, eaten or whatever by adults. If we are grown up enough to see the benefit, we need to be grown up enough to let the grown-ups decide if they want it or not. Follow the new federal regulations with decriminalizing marijuana use. Anything else is hypocritical.