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Editorial: Youth in crisis need our help

Announcement of affordable housing in Sooke is welcome news

One of the saddest things we have to face in Sooke is the fact that there are homeless people living here, add to the equation the fact that many of them are young.

With the announcement of the Hope Centre, life may be a little easier for the poor.  Sometimes when we shop at the local thrift stores for those collectables and funky items we forget that the purpose of the stores themselves is helping those of us who are less fortunate.

Hats off to the  Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the M’akola Housing Society for bringing this proposal forward. It will be a much needed and welcome addition to our region. It will keep local youth and young adults in the community where they belong and not on the mean streets in the city. Everyone needs a helping hand at times and it can make the difference between success and failure.

Our editorial cartoon this week lists just a few of the recognizable names of young people who have committed suicide because of bullying. This is shameful and should not be happening. We have to rethink our priorities and insure we are aware of what is happening with the people we know. It means paying attention, asking questions, lending an ear or a helping hand. Bullying is cruel and should never be tolerated. Bullies need to be held to account for their actions because the consequences are too often permanent. Amanda Todd was crying out for help and no one paid attention. Let’s not have another young person take their life because they cannot tolerate it. Let’s celebrate our differences.

Bullying is intolerable cruelty.