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Giving us a black eye


e all saw the result of it during the unfortunate riots of June 15. Young men and women acted and reacted in a way they probably never thought they would and the result was a huge black eye for Vancouver and British Columbia.

The scary thing is many of these idiots came downtown with the intention of causing trouble and turning things ugly. It had nothing at all to do with hockey it was only the excuse.

Mob mentality was responsible for the death of Reena Virk and the rape of a young woman at a party on the mainland. Taunting each other on is what they do and no “macho” guy would dare not participate. It is what causes riots and death and destruction in all parts of the world and one would have thought, as Canadians, we are better than that. I guess we aren’t. Combine testosterone and alcohol and a “supposed” cause and you have a volatile situation no one would want to wade into.

Hats off to those who showed up to clean up and let the world know that this is not who we are as British Columbians. The acts of a few tarnish our reputation and it is pretty sad that this is where we have come to. Those people who participated and looted and set fire to vehicles have likely never been oppressed, hungry, jailed of their political beliefs or had to live in a tin pot dictatorship. They are spoiled, self-absorbed and an embarrassment. They are so vain they had to take photos of themselves stealing, burning and acting like goons.

Shame and guilt is likely not in their makeup, but a good criminal conviction and restitution would suffice.