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Letters: A world in chaos

Humans are not meant to destroy the earth and the creatures on it

Responding to Kel Phair letter of February 11, 2015.

I would love it if “they” would let me do my job, for it would transform the world.  Because truly, my only job is to be a good person.  Unfortunately, “they” continually thwart me from providing this essential service through malfeasance at every level.

We are not meant to destroy life on Earth, this is part of the sovereign territory of Mother Nature. Humans have no right to cull animals or commit genocide.  Today a line has been drawn between those who seek earthly possessions and those who seek to save the Earth and life itself.  Conspiracy theory is a theory no more.  Do the slightest bit of alternative research on the internet while it is still democratic and you will find the counter to an active chaos agenda.  Society will not become more chaotic if we stop obeying, it is already hell. The majority can be wrong.

And if you think moving to another planet is a good idea, just know that those responsible for liquidating this one are the ones in charge of that endeavour, under the guise of saving the herd.  You may protect your temporal human meat suit but you won’t save your soul.  And to the dear Sooke girl who was chosen to colonize Mars in 2025, trust your gut.  You’ve got 100 million neurons in there helping, and then some.

Let’s go backwards when forward fails.  Everything old is new again. These are the greatest of times.

p.s. I am against B.C.’s wolf cull.

A special thank you to Helene Harrison for the information about the sonic booms in the area - war games and friendly fire huh?  Can’t they do better than that?

Roberta Daye
