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Letters: Be part of the arts

Sooke Community Arts Council needs new blood and energy

The Annual General Meeting of the Sooke Community Arts Council will take place on Tuesday, September 24 at 7 p.m. in the Potlatch Room of Sooke Harbour House.

As you have been informed on countless occasions during this past year, the positions of President, possibly Vice President and Treasurer will fall vacant and in order for the arts council to continue these positions must be filled.

The work involved would be at most two hours per month and is pretty straightforward.

To date we have had no one step forward.

It must be stressed that this is the time for someone new to take over these positions - new blood if you will - with fresh ideas and perhaps different ways of doing things.

It should also be stressed that if no one takes on these somewhat easy tasks then what could happen is that the arts council will cease to exist (after 26 years!.

What this would mean is there would be no money for grants, no community events. Yearly amounts of $1,500 for the Fine Arts Show and $1,500 for the Philharmonic would not be paid, no Art in the Park, no Family Art Fair, no Beach Art, no yearly art show at the Museum, no Xmas members’ art show!  And the list goes on...

I for one certainly do not wish to see this happen. Surely with all the enthusiasm seen for all the arts and cultural events and all the artistic people in our community, there is a bunch of you willing to take on these somewhat mundane tasks of running a small arts council? You could take it on as a group??

Please respond!

It is now in your court!

Marion DesRochers
