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Letters: Drunk drivers should be held accountable

Letter writer amazed at the strike-down of the drunk driving laws

Yet again I’m amazed. First a judge strikes down B.C.s drunk driving laws because they’re “unconstitutional.” They were proven effective but because drunks drivers were being held accountable the law was unconstitutional.

Worse yet, because lawyers were being denied billable hours, they were unconstitutional. Now a lawyer wants all the drunk drivers that were held accountable to be reimbursed and have their records expunged because the law was “unfair.”

Many lawyers, of course, must accumulate large amounts of billable hours rectifying this grievous harm. And they wonder why judges, lawyers and the legal system in general are held in such disdain by ordinary people.

This, of course, is an extremely simplistic viewpoint. I’ve never been to law school. I don’t appreciate the technicalities and minutiae of the law. I merely apply the filter of common sense to what appears to me to be the wrong emphasis of the reason for law.

Aren’t laws, lawyers and judges supposed to protect us from idiots like those that drive drunk?

The police are trying, what about the courts?

Jason Kitt
