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Letters: Monsanto and drugs

Writer questions the ethics of large drug companies

Our government has seen fit to make laws that enable us to steal other people’s property after a set number of years, and to use that property as it it were their own.

That’s what we did with Monsanto Mr. Eberhardt. That’s why they invented a new, allegedly devastating herbicide, in order to replace its “round-up” herbicide, which can now be made by anybody as its patent has expired.

That’s why drug companies, not only have to invent new drugs, they have to invent new diseases that require those drugs, like, for instance, energetic child disorder, where you are to ask yourself, why your fidgety child isn’t at all like all the other, normal fat children. And shouldn’t you think about putting your “burns with energy” child on the drug company’s innovative medication to slow him down to normal, like all the other, fatter children.

What goes around does indeed come around.

There is one exception to this, for it seems that in the U.S.A. there are now laws extending the patent right or more particularly copyright on Mickey Mouse – now doesn’t that seem fitting?

N.E. MacNab
