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Letters: responding to Tillich

Back and forth comments on cat shelters and organizations

I’m glad those volunteers of Sooke SAFARS exist.

My roommate and I might not have our happy ending. In our mid-50’s living in the city, faced with a medical emergency. Treatment could possibly extend or save our lives. With two dogs (12 and nine years old) and two cats (18 and 15 years), Sooke was the only place suitable.

On disability, so financially destitute, one dog needed emergency surgery, and this with a food allergy. Cats also needed medical assistance.

Met Margarita, together with Nana Foundation, Animal Crusaders, G-Vac, etc, various great veterinarians, they keep our family together.

Extensive chemo kept us needing help. Surgeries, prescriptions, flea treatments, food, ride to this day, their loving moral support helped us with most depressing, gruelling, life altering side effects. Without SAFARS and others, we would have never kept our sanity.

Keeping our furry family was the greatest gift of all.

So get off their backs, get off your … chairs and help. These ladies would like holidays, no time. Volunteers, loving souls of Sooke need your support, not sarcasm.

Stephen Reardon
