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Letters: Society serves a purpose

Feral cats in Shirley are helped by local cat rescue society

live in a rural area in the Juan de Fuca District and had a large colony of feral cats.  These animals have been abandoned by irresponsible people and have been breeding and multiplying.  There are also people in the area who own cats that have kittens in the wild and have become feral.

In the past I have contacted various different organizations that are supposed to help with this problem, but because we live in an unincorporated area no one is willing to help. Some organizations suggested I contact the Sooke Animal Food and Rescue Society (SAFARS), or stop feeding them and let them die.

Thank goodness I managed to get in touch with Margarita Dominquez. She has helped with the trapping and neuter/spaying of 25 to 30 feral cats and kittens. She has managed to find homes for most and the ones that are too wild are returned and released. SAFARS helps with shelters and food for the released cats.

I get really upset with the letters from people that are suggesting that SAFARS is not serving a purpose. If it weren’t for them I would have over 100 cats once kitten season arrives and would have seen them die as in the past.

This organization needs help now to keep saving cats from the slow and painful death of starvation.  We should do whatever we can to help SAFARS in their humane mission.   SAFARS is serving a necessary function in Sooke and the Juan de Fuca District. There is nothing else available.

Gillian Pershaw
