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Letters: Speaking for the majority

Proposed use of John Phillips Memorial Park questioned

Bravo to Jacquie Jocelyn for so eloquently summarizing the most important points about this issue. Like many others before, she is speaking up for the majority of the 10,000 plus silent majority, who do not have the time, energy or knowledge about the matter at stake.

However, the silent voices in the eloctorate are amongst those who elected the members of council and the current mayor to also represent their interest and take the decisions which are right for the community and the district as a whole!

There should never ever have been any doubt, that anybody could even dare to consider tampering with or destroying a beautiful, existing park.

If I am not mistaken, there was even a conservation covenant placed on the land when it was bequeathed to the community.

So how about honouring the memory and the wisdom of those who gave us the park in the first place and putting an end to all the needless bickering?

Gisela Kumar
