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Letters: Write for democracy

Freedom of expression important to stating your views

In early April of this year the National Energy Board had the audacity to announce  anyone who wishes to write their views on the Enbridge Pipeline has to fill out a 10- page application and let them decide if they grant you the right to write. Not true. Anyone who wants to write their views on any pipeline does not have to fill out anything that is why it is called a right it is why it is in the Charter of Rights and Freedom. One of the first fundamental rights guaranteed is freedom of expression including freedom of the press and other media. That means you do not need some jackass from the NEB to grant a right you already have; if he can grant you a right he could also deny you.  I encourage anyone who has an opinion on the Northern Gateway Pipeline to just go ahead and write to the media, on your blogs, your own newsletter anything and tell the NEB to stick their 10- page application where the sun don’t shine.  When you know you have right to express opinion you are exercising ‘democrazy’ when you go along with this bull crap that you need to wait and see if someone from government will grant you a right you’re playing tyranny: master and servant!

Andre Mollon
