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Pay attention to council decisions


One finds out interesting things at council meetings.

At the March 28 meeting, for instance, it was disappointing to see the council soundly defeat Herb Haldane’s very sensible motion to hire an independent company to investigate Sooke’s (EPCOR) waste water system and “issues with pipes leaking, alarms going off and breaches in the system” (thank goodness, no radiation leaks seem to have been detected).

It seems like it should be a requirement to fund an independent investigation if we are talking about investing however many millions on a 20-year contract with EPCOR. After the vote, Mayor Evans said: “Why investigate something brand new?” I guess she never heard about leaky condos.

The proposed  Sooke Zoning Bylaw, which will be presented to the public for review soon, if not already, is definitely worthy of some moments’ consideration, especially by anyone who does not want to see Sooke become another box store haven. There is a proposal to limit box stores to 25,000 - 35,000 square feet “to keep retail in scale for the community.” If this is not your idea of  “scale for the community” now is the time to be heard.

Jo Phillips
