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Rickter should take gun course

Re: Taking aim at gun law debate ( Rickter Scale , May 21)

Re: Taking aim at gun law debate (Rickter Scale, May 21)

I was wondering if Rick Stiebel would be available to take a gun course some time?

I ask because if he is going to continue reporting on the gun issue, he should at least have a basic understanding of guns, and maybe a grasp of current gun laws in Canada.

Adopting and propagating made up terms like “assault-style weapon,” and “a weapon that can blast a burst of bullets with a single squeeze” might get a quick read from readers, but it degrades journalism as a whole.

I’m not going to argue if he’s right or not. But if he is to present an opinion it should at least be fact based so others can decide for themselves.

Or at least offer another yardstick for people to measure against.

Alcohol has no social purpose. It is used to get drunk and that’s all it does. It kills, not tens, not hundreds, but thousands of Canadians every year and destroys countless homes. And yet, we don’t do anything about that. So why should your readers care about guns? See, perspective.

There are plenty of registered instructors that would gladly offer Stiebel some range time and instruction for free. If he is interested, please contact me and I would be happy to arrange it.

If not, please assign him to home cooking columns where he can only mix up tablespoons and teaspoons instead of helping to threaten democracy in Canada.

Eric Vandal
