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Stop logging old-growth forest ecosystems

Re: Blockade launched to save Vancouver Island old-growth (Online, Aug. 10)

Re: Blockade launched to save Vancouver Island old-growth (Online, Aug. 10)

It is so exciting to see that a few courageous, selfless, caring individuals have established a blockade camp to stop Teal Jones from making a logging road up into the headwaters of Fairy Creek.

These forest protectors know the value of the dwindling old-growth ecosystems – a priceless historical national treasure – something which the NDP government continues to ignore, sidestep while permitting and encouraging continued old-growth logging.

Despite my MLA, Carole James, stating in a letter to me that she “cares deeply” about this issue (saving old-growth forest ecosystems), she has not agreed to call for a moratorium on all old-growth logging. The NDP government feels it needs to find a “science-based approach” for the solution to this problem!

The science is abundant. Is the solution not obvious? Stop the logging of all old-growth forest ecosystems.

Georgina Kirkman
