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Trying to understand


Oh Pirjo, just when I thought you had given up on your animal hatred campaign you went and did it again. This time adding deer and geese to your hit list. (Wildlife balance, Feb. 9, 2011) Now  I hear you have brought the mayor on board.

Please help me understand why you hate animals so much. Perhaps you have a deep seated fear of them or were you just brought up that way? Why do you seem to think that only humans have exclusive use of the planet  and have the right to play God?

Some of the things you wrote do not seem to make much sense even though the pervading theme of your argument is common sense. For instance, we humans caused the problem so now we have to kill you. What kind of philosophy is that?

How about: “They are rural animals forced into an urban environment.” Actually, they are rural animals and we have forced our way into their environment.

“Hunting is honest and real and people depend on it to feed themselves.” Oh really? Have you ever been on a moose hunting trip Pirjo? How naive can you be. I know dozens of hunters and none of them hunt because they need the meat.

“Europeans laugh when they see how sentimental we are.” Ask me if I care.  Wasn’t the European model what we came here to get away from? Anyway, if they want to laugh, here are several good reasons:

l. B.C. politics;

2. cut down one tree and you are branded  a criminal but it is just fine to kill any animal even for trophy hunting;

3. the ridiculous water restriction law;

4. the notion that the rest of the country envies us and wants to move here;

  5. the carbon tax (a.k.a. the  emperor’s new clothes);

6. BC transit (at least here in Otter Point).

Need more? Give me a call.

You mention our rush to develop vast tracts of rural land. Did you know that immigration into Canada last year was the highest it has been in 50 years? Get the connection? More people need more land. Why don’t you and her Worship get on your high horses and head to Ottawa. Tell the PM that the population of this country is already too high and that an ever expanding population to feed economic growth is not only short sighted but unsustainable. In the process you might save a few deer.

That is what I call common sense.

 Aaron Bartlett

Otter Point