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Mike Hicks sits as new SEAPARC Commission Chair

Mike Hicks sits as new SEAPARC Commission Chair in Sooke.

The Sooke and Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Commission (SEAPARC) has a new Chair. At their February 5 meeting, the annual elections took place. Lynn MacDonald, SEAPARC’s Administrative Secretary, confirmed on February 6 that Mike Hicks (Regional Director, Juan de Fuca Electoral Area) is now the Chair, and former Chair Jim Perkins, is now the Vice Chair.

As outlined on the CRD website, “SEAPARC is a partnership of the municipality of Sooke and western communities in the JDF Electoral Area (Port Renfrew, Otter Point, Shirley, Jordan River and East Sooke). The commission serves the residents of these areas. Funding for the commission comes from property taxes and user fees.”

The Commission administers the services at SEAPARC and oversees the staff. It also prepares the annual budget and makes recommendations on operating policy, regulation and fees to the CRD board.