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It's time to gear up for gardening

Seedy Saturday set to return on Feb. 25 at the Sooke Community Hall.

Gardeners rejoice: spring is around the corner.

And there’s no sure sign than the return of Seedy Saturday, this year set to return on Feb. 25 at the Sooke Community Hall.

The event, organized by Sooke Food CHI, offers a range of seed and plant vendors, a seed exchange table, plus educational displays featuring information on everything from composting, to keeping bees, workshops, and a Kids Zone.

“Our local Seedy Saturday is an excellent opportunity for attendees to connect with local food producers, and learn about seed and food security in our region. Now that the snow is gone, let’s all gear up for gardening,” said Anita Wasiuta, a Food CHI board member.

Food CHI is teaming up with the Sooke Fall Fair, which will feature a swap and shop and lunch during the event.

“I am happy that the Fall Fair will again be a part of Seedy Saturday to promote and support family farms in the region,” said Ellen Lewers, Sooke Fall Fair president and a local farmer.

Seedy Saturday runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Sooke Community Hall, 2037 Shields Rd.

Admission is by donation. Attendees can also buy raffle tickets, with proceeds supporting Sooke Transition House.

For more information, please go online to


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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