The Sooke Fall Fair was cancelled this year due to the coronavirus, but organizers still held pandemic-safe contests.
Here are the winners:
6 to 8 years: First and second Logan Chown; 3. Myles Lambert.
9 to 11 years: 1. Tanis Cortens; 2. Kaidyn Robertson.
12 to 14: 1. Juley-Anne Brown; 2. Emily Webb.
15 to 18: 1. Kate LeRoy.
Adult: 1. Leslie Ann Bent; 2. Deborah Lambert; 3. Astrid Koenig.
This competition was sponsored by Buy B.C./B.C. Fairs Association.
Under 6 years: 1. Odin Heggelund; 2. Nolan Webber; 3. Lillyanna Billings. Other prizes: Chase Eliot Hadley Johnson, Ever Lily Johnson, Hazel Nelson, Myles Lambert and Bowe Greenwood.
7 to 12 years: 1. Tanis Cortens; 2. Maya Morriss; 3. Jasmine Robertson. Other prizes: Catherine Murphy, Mikayla Greenwood, Cruz Greenwood, Jane Cortens, Dahlia Billings, and Manya Chawala.
The handsome boy was Brutus. Chloe was the most photogenic. Lily and Bella had the cutest matching costumes. Timber had the best costume. The blondest was Odin and Spencer. The coolest was Ben. Namaste was most relaxed. Jane and Daisy were the cuddliest. The happiest cat was Ida and Carlos.
Pets on Parade are on the Sooke Fall Fair website.
Eleven businesses and more than a dozen residences competed in this category throughout our region.
Special recognition to West Coast Family Medical Clinic in the Merchants’ category, and to Phillip Boudreau, Odin and Spence Heggelund, Ellen Lewers and Ruby Furman in General Public category. Sooke Options for Community Living and Kara Goetz were voted as People’s Choice winners.
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