The Red Hat Sooke Sirens have been busy this past year. They produced a “naughty” calendar and all of the proceeds from the calendar went to two local organizations. In a presentation on December 11, Queen Marion presented Carol Pinalski with a cheque for $3,000 for the Sooke Seniors Drop-In Centre and $1,000 to Kay Forde for the Seniors Activity bus.
The Red Hat Sooke Sirens are a group of women between the ages of 52 and 88 who gather together for fun, friendship and fundraising. They have 33 members currently and Queen Marion the Magnificent (Marion Hutchinson) said they have room for a few more.
The Red Hat Society (RHS) is a social organization originally founded in 1998 in the U.S. for women age 50 and beyond, but is now open to women of all ages.
The website states, that from the original beginning the Red Hat Society grew and, “something even more brilliant came from within our souls... a true purpose, if you will, the purpose to change the hearts and lives of women.
“For the first time in the modern world, there was an organization committed to helping women who had lost a spouse or parent, or were, perhaps dealing with major life threatening illnesses - we began to cling to each other like a real family.”