Shirley Fire Protection and Emergency Response Services Commission (SFP&ERSC) and Shirley Volunteer Fire Department (SVFD) have reached an agreement with Al and Linda Morrison, who own the adjacent property to the Shirley Fire Hall, to lease a easement from them at a fair fee for a period of 30 years.
It had to be an easement, as the province views that leases of bare land over five years affect the original parcel of land (reducing the area available on a 10-acre parcel to below 10 acres... ).
“The area covered on the easement allows SVFD to have access from both Sheringham Point Road and West Coast Road to the fire hall. This second access means that we are not as reliant on individuals at Shirley Community Hall parking in such a manner that we can get fire trucks out in the event of an emergency. The 2nd access also means it is much easier to get modern fire trucks into our rather cramped hall,” said James Powell in an email.
“In addition to providing a second access to our hall, there is also an approximate 100 ft x 50 ft area which we can use for practices; such as vehicle extrication, and fire ground skills development. Without the support of community members, SVFD would be unable to provide fire protection to our community.
SVFD and SFP&ERSC would like to thank Al and Linda for their generous contribution and support to the fire department.”