Take a walk down memory lane with a new photo project launched by the Sooke Region Museum.
The museum has launched an online photo archive, which allows people to scroll through thousands of photos from Sooke’s past.
Montana Stanley, collections and exhibits manager for the Sooke Region Museum, said the project has generated a lot of interest, not only from locals, but also from people from different provinces and even the U.S.
“It’s been really neat connecting people with photos of themselves or of their family members, who didn’t know these were out there,” Stanley said.
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The project has been in the works since 2015, and Stanley said she’s still working on the design of it, and is adding photos every week. So far there are about 2,696 photos on the online archive.
“You can explore Sooke’s vast history, and I think learning through visuals is important,” Stanley said. “Our staff and volunteers who helped make the project have learned so much through the photos.”
Stanley hopes to continue adding collections, and that people will take advantage of looking through the collections. Viewing the galleries is free, but if someone wants to acquire a copy of one of the photos, there’s a cost.
To view the photo archive, please go online to sookeregionmuseum.pastperfectonline.com. For more information about the Sooke Region Museum, please go online to sookeregionmuseum.ca.