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EDITORIAL – Sooke’s 2023: Echoes of challenges and hope

Let’s draw on lessons from 2023, and stride intonew year with a commitment to shaping a better future

As we stand on the cusp of bidding farewell to 2023, it’s time to cast an introspective eye on the chapters that defined Sooke’s narrative this past year. Our community experienced a rollercoaster of stories – some heartbreaking, some contentious, and others emblematic of the spirit of resilience.

In remembering the notable tales that captivated our attention, from the tragic discovery of Melissa McDevitt’s body to the Steeple Chase fire that left a neighborhood questioning accountability, Sooke’s collective pulse quickened with each headline.

The community’s camaraderie surfaced when a Grinch-like note on Christmas decorations drew widespread support for Cheryl Dinse. Similarly, the legal tangle involving Carol Marion Tennis highlighted intricacies within local craft groups, weaving a story beyond mere stitches and patterns.

Amidst these dramas, the enigmatic death in Otter Point left tongues wagging and minds curious, underscoring the year’s mysterious undercurrent.

However, beyond the spotlight-grabbing events, Sooke council grappled with challenges of its own. The search for a new chief administrative officer proved elusive, revealing the arduousness in finding a successor to lead the district. Meanwhile, building permit backlogs and transportation woes mirrored the community’s struggle to keep pace with its burgeoning populace.

The need for housing solutions, nuanced within the broader context of provincial legislation and the pending official community plan, mirrored Sooke’s growing pains.

As we pen the closing chapter of 2023, uncertainty looms over the future of Sooke’s development, tied intricately to the resolution of administrative hurdles and the formulation of a robust, community-driven plan.

As the year draws to a close, Sooke stands at a precipice, awaiting the dawn of a new chapter, hopeful for resolutions to lingering quandaries.

Let us, as a community, reflect on these narratives, drawing lessons from their complexities, and stride into the new year with resilience, unity, and a shared commitment to shaping a better future for Sooke.

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